Tip - check you're not using one of these passwords

This is the sixth in a series of 12 tips to help you improve your online safety. If you've been reading the other tips so far, you'll know the recommendations of:

  • using a different password for each site
  • using a password manager
  • letting an automated password creator suggest a password for you.

SplashData have done some analysis of the passwords collected from the many data breaches, and compiled a list of the worst 100 passwords in 2017. Note that some of the passwords on the list are distinctly rude, hence the list below stopping at number 33:

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. 12345
  6. 123456789
  7. letmein
  8. 1234567
  9. football
  10. iloveyou
  11. admin
  12. welcome
  13. monkey
  14. login
  15. abc123
  16. starwars
  17. 123123
  18. dragon
  19. passw0rd
  20. master
  21. hello
  22. freedom
  23. whatever
  24. qazwsx
  25. trustno1
  26. 654321
  27. jordan23
  28. harley
  29. password1
  30. 1234
  31. robert
  32. matthew
  33. jordan


This article was originally published on the Online Safety Alliance